
This conference had five main objectives:

•   To capture learnings from those already undertaking footpath management;

•   To raise awareness of the challenges facing the mountain environment;

•   To critically assess what we are doing and emphasise the need for skills and ongoing investment;

•   To demonstrate the spectrum of interventions for managing upland path erosion;

•   To establish a set of principles to underpin upland pathwork in Ireland.

The conference programme included:

•   High-profile speakers from Britain and Ireland

•   Expertise in the management of upland footpath erosion

•   Opportunities for all participants to contribute to discussions

•   Site visits to look at erosion and path work that has been carried out

•   Conference dinner with Dermot Somers as after-dinner speaker

Download report


Helping the Hills conference – presentations from speakers:

Dawson Stelfox MBE

Presentation as a pdf (19MB)

Dr. Caro-lynne Ferris

Presentation as a pdf (7MB)

Elfyn Jones

Presentation as a pdf (6MB)

Bill Murphy

Presentation as a pdf (2MB)

Fran Pothecary

Presentation as a pdf (4MB)

Matthew Bushby

Presentation as a pdf (15MB)

Wesley Atkinson
No powerpoint presentation

Robert Grandon
No powerpoint presentation

Ross Millar

Summary of conference as a pdf